NEW purple rhythmic gymnastics leotard 2016

New purple rhythmic gymnastics leotard, skating costume from Natalia.
 This model of costume can be used as figure skating dress or a rhythmic gymnastics leotard.

Purple rhythmic gymnastics leotard, ice skating dress costume for sale, New purple rhythmic gymnastics leotard 2016, Yeni mor ritmik jimnastik 2016 Leotard,  Nuevos gimnasia rítmica púrpura leotard 2016
Purple rhythmic gymnastics leotard, ice skating dress costume for sale
New purple rhythmic gymnastics leotard
New purple rhythmic gymnastics leotard

New purple rhythmic gymnastics leotard
New rhythmic gymnastics leotard

New purple rhythmic gymnastics leotard
New purple rhythmic gymnastics leotard for sale

New purple rhythmic gymnastics leotard
New purple rhythmic gymnastics leotard 2017
 In reality the leotard is more bright and shiny than in the photos.
 In reality the leotard is more bright and shiny than in the photos.

Nuevos gimnasia rítmica púrpura leotard 2016
Nuevos gimnasia rítmica púrpura leotard 2016
Nuevos gimnasia rítmica púrpura leotard 2016
Nuevos gimnasia rítmica púrpura leotard 2016

Purple rhythmic gymnastics leotard, ice skating dress costume for sale, New purple rhythmic gymnastics leotard 2016, Yeni mor ritmik jimnastik 2016 Leotard,  Nuevos gimnasia rítmica púrpura leotard 2016
NEW Purple rhythmic gymnastics leotard, ice skating dress costume

New purple rhythmic gymnastics leotard skating dress
Purple rhythmic gymnastics leotard, ice skating dress costume for sale

Purple rhythmic gymnastics leotard, ice skating dress costume for sale
Purple rhythmic gymnastics leotard, ice skating dress costume for sale
Purple skating dress costume for sale
Purple rhythmic gymnastics leotard, ice skating dress costume for sale

Very bright and beautiful, original design,  hand painted, high quality materials used.  In reality the leotard is more bright and shiny than in the photos!

 Price:  230 $

Flat sizes (unstretched):

CHEST - 66 cm
WAIST - 58 cm
HIPS - 70 cm
TORSO(bust) - 130 cm

If you if you wish to buy this rg leotard, skating costume write on (